Sunday, January 10, 2010

once in a BLUE moon

let it be known: the color code is evil, sinister, and out to ruin your life.

it's also very accurate.

yes, i have a very strong love/hate relationship with the color code. one of my best friends and i took it together pretty recently and we were rolling on the floor laughing. if you haven't taken it yet, take it with a friend! they usually have a better perspective of you than yourself and they make it less painful. painful, you ask? well don't take my word for it; here are some questions on the test:

are you.......

10. a) demanding
b) unforgiving
c) unmotivated
d) vain

16. a) argumentative
b) unrealistic
c) directionless
d) an interrupter

20. a) insensitive
b) judgmental
c) boring
d) undisciplined

ouch. ouch. OUCH. don't worry, only half of the questions focus on the qualities you'd rather not focus on! no, the test really is fun to take. it caters more to adults with spouses and kids, but i was able to guess what i might do in a situation concerning my kids or husband.

and the results? are scary. DEAD ON. in case you're not familiar with the four colors, they are as followed:
red- the power wielders.
blue- the do-gooders.
white- the peacekeepers.
yellow- the fun lovers.
statistics show that most people are either red or blue. so what color am i? drumroll please....BLUE! my results show i'm about 70% blue. i'm pretty sure it's not common to be that dominant in one color....the other 30% is evenly split between yellow and white. not a drop of red, strangely. anyway, here's a little more about blue personalities.

blues are motivated by intimacy and relationships with other people. they are constantly thinking of others' feelings and looking to serve. they are extremely loyal and once they've committed to something or someone, they never let go. they care deeply about those with whom they are close. they need to feel understood and appreciated. they are dependable and they are pleasers! the world would not go round without their compassion. they are afraid of saying no for fear of hurting feelings. They're also worry-prone and hyper-analytical. according to wikipedia, a common saying from a blue would be "my emotions are my achilles heel!" they definitely rule by the heart. they need to be loved and accepted by others, but can be harsh on themselves.

holy cow, this is me to a T. i love it. i hate it. only a blue would be hypersensitive about someone calling them hypersensitive! but it is me. my roommate said to me one day, "rachael, sometimes i just want to slap you!!"
"why?"- a little stunned at the bluntness.
"you think about things too much!"
"well i'm a blue! what did you expect?!?!"

generally blues don't get along with reds. reds tend to hurt blues' feelings with their bluntness. i have quite a few red friends and although i can take things they say too personally, i've learned to appreciate their straight-forwardness and learn from it, since i tend to beat around the bush. i've become a lot better at saying no and also saying what i think, even if it's not what the other person wants to hear.

take the color code test! take it again and again! i've taken it a few times over the years and as i grow older, my results change a little bit. i think it's fascinating. even if i said it's evil and sinister ;)

p.s. i don't know how to label a picture, so i hereby label the picture above "a red and blue sandwich!"


  1. Rachael, you always have the best posts. You are definitely a blue! I probably am a blue too. Where do you get the color test?

  2. abby made a copy for me and we took it one night (er..morning) at 3 AM :) but i'm pretty sure you can take it online!
