Wednesday, December 7, 2011

the calm before the storm (thoughts before finals week)

-two days ago, my personal health and wellness professor made us run a mile and a half outside at 9 AM. it was 1 degree outside. that's not even an exaggeration. i pretty much waddled around the track in my ski coat. yes, i ran in my ski coat! who even said you needed to be healthy to graduate in health science?

-today, the same professor came to class and told us that he actually wasn't going to give us a final and merry christmas. indeed.

-in a week and a half, i get to go home and partake of snuggling in a chair by the fire, hot chocolate, charlie brown christmas music, homemade fudge (i love neighbor christmas treats), watching movies in the den with lots of blankets, brown sugar carmalized bacon (anna? sarah? whitman's cabin, anyone?), clementines, twinkling christmas lights, and hanging out with my family for 4 months while i'm off track!

-anyone know of jobs in salt lake this winter? here's my resume: rachael ely--will work for jerusalem tuition. previous training includes running in 1 degree weather. and eating carmelized bacon.

-i'm going to san diego in a few weeks and i'm so excited! i've never been. what's the weather like this time of year? i've only been to california twice. both times i went to disneyland. yes, i know, i'm very cultured. as far as i know, splash mountain is everything california has to offer. can't wait!!!

-ok. i've procrastinated starting a big fat paper long enough. things are about to get crazy up in here. peace out.


  1. you are so great :) i love reading your posts they always brighten my day!

  2. UM....don't even get me started on brown sugar bacon. because guess who gets home the day AFTER the breakfast. yes, me. i am still crying about it. and please add "with sarah" to all of the snuggling and christmas magic. because i will be there! with you! can't wait! also, i love san diego. but let's get real. disneyland is what california has to offer. you are so witty and i love everything about this post.

  3. you can TOTES have my top it frozen yogurt job! they are hiring after i leave! bahahahah . two words. bacon. baby.
