Friday, July 9, 2010

manipulating the system

if you are ever in a state of powerlessness and helplessness, i have a remedy for you that will make you feel like the merciless, all powerful being that you, dear reader, are.

when i'm in my car at a stop light and the opportunity arises (i.e. the person in the car behind me is fully stopped and not preoccupied), i ever-so-slightly inch the car forward about a foot to see if the car behind me will do the same, peek in the rearview mirror...

...and watch the car inch forward a little. and then, the car behind that one inches forward a little. and then the car behind that get the gist. the thing is, the people behind you don't know they are part of the plan or that they are being influenced.

{insert cruella deville laugh here.}

farbeit from me to boast of myself...but i think i've just manipulated the system. it works 99 out of 100 times. do i sound weird? i'm really not that weird.

the only rule to this little game is that you cannot UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES be manipulated into inching forward a little when the car in front of you does so. no matter how strong the urge. think of it as improving your self control. who knows? maybe the person in front of you is trying to manipulate the system and no system will be manipulated under my watch (unless i am the manipulater). this is where the feeling of power comes into effect.

feel free to try this at home.


  1. ahahaha i love it!! :) and i love YOU! keep em comin girl. i love your writing style. <3

  2. You know what's funny, Rachy-babe? It's the fact that I remember you telling me, about three years ago when we first got our licenses, about this game of manipulation you so frequently play. Since the day you introduced me to this funny form of entertainment whilst driving, I have attempted the trick many a time. And let me tell you, 99 out of 100 times, IT WORKS!
