Thursday, May 20, 2010

one movie to rule them all

i just have to put in my two cents and say that reason for humanity's existence is...the lord of the rings.

"return of the king" (even though the others are almost equally amazing) is the sole movie that stands on that blessed golden pedestal in my mind-by a long shot- as the best movie in the history of movies. EVER. i will fight this till the day i die. this is the movie i saw three times in the first two weeks it was out. this is the whole trilogy that leaves me sad that it's over after i watch it. it's kind of like that inescapable rip-your-heart-out emptiness you felt after finishing the seventh harry potter book. i get so attached to the characters in "the lord of the rings" that i feel anguished when it's over just because it's over and it didn't really happen and then i don't even want to watch anything else because everything else is bland in comparison. it's so epic. epic disappointment, epic heartbreak, epic victory. i would like to give thanks to the icon that is peter jackson. the hours that i have spent in my basement with my brothers watching extra footage from the extended versions would astound you. the character development, the friendships, the music, the acting...everything. this is truly the only time i will say that the movies....are better than the books. and the books are good! my favorite line of all lines? "i'm glad to be with you, samwise gamgee. here at the end of all things." san francisco my butt. i left my heart in middle earth!
p.s. i will also fight for this truth until the day i die: samwise gamgee is the GREATEST character of any film or book that has ever graced this planet. i want to marry someone like him. oh, and sean astin is amazing. if i could meet any actor, i think it would be him.


  1. rach, i have yet to see any lord of the rings movie... how am i your best friend still??? :) haha i love you to death!!!

  2. Abby.. You need to watch LOTR with Rachael!! It's like when I was single and dating, When things started getting serious I would have my boyfriend watch Camelot or Sound of Music with me to see if he could pass the musical test! You don't have to love it too... but you just might! Plus LOTR has all the right ingredients... bravery, honor, friendship, fighting for what is right, the battle between good and evil. (Not to mention elves!) Come to think of it... You MUST watch it!!

  3. abby, i'm making you watch them with me this summer!
    you mean, not to mention viggo, mom?
