Wednesday, April 14, 2010

salinas valley, sexy suitors and sue sylvester

i finished "east of eden" a couple weeks ago and in a steinbeck frenzy, my roommate and i summoned the movie from her mom. it arrived yesterday and we watched it last night. thoughts?

1) if only i had the ability to run my hand through james dean's hair.

2) the movie sucked.

3) the book rocked. REALLY rocked. i've read some really good books this year, but "east of eden" topped them all. it's so full of rich characters that i was really sad to put it down. sometimes i don't like books because they have a) the good characters and b) the bad characters. while "east of eden" definitely had characters on both extreme ends of the spectrum, others have so many layers that you can't cast them as either good or bad, but a little bit of both. it's just so...real. the characters grow so dear to you (maybe because you relate to them) that you can't help but love them for all the qualities they possess. steinbeck is SO good at deep characterization.

4) if only i had the ability to run my hand through james dean's hair.

while we're on the subject.....(ok, we're not really on the subject at all, but i just want to bring it up)....i'd like to take credit for the "glee sensation" sweeping the fourth floor of my apartment. i bought the first season in beijing for $3 and convinced the girls to watch the pilot with me (i've been a die hard from the start). the next day and 13 episodes later....well you get the gist. we camped out at my computer last night, and the second the new episode came out on iTunes, we pounced on it. thanks to the internet connection here, only 82 more hours until it fully loads. i guess our favorite sue sylvester scenes will have to suffice till then. don't you just love to hate her?

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