Tuesday, April 20, 2010

i will sing bohemian rhapsody's praises till the day i die.

whether or not it's a product of acids and shrooms (and it probably is), bohemian rhapsody is a freaking good song. is it ever associated with a dull memory? never. when do you hear that song and NOT have a great time, air guitar and all? this weekend, we found this way cool little lake in the middle of a park. so we rented a paddle boat an puttered around while rocking the boat violently and singing bohemian rhapsody just to see how many asians we could get to stare at us.

let me tell you how many: very VERY many. good songs=good memories.

but i'll tell you what's not a good memory, and that has been the past two nights. i have had the hardest time sleeping, and i think that is part because i'm so nervous for tomorrow, which is a teaching evaluation from one of the directors who has flown to china to do just that. i've done fine so far, but i just get so tongue tied and nervous when i'm being evaluated. ("kids, this is a....uh,a...umm, this is a clipepeamer, i mean a pipecleaner!") so two nights ago, i decided i wanted to go to bed early and turned out the lights at 9. i laid in bed. i kept laying there. i thought. then when i was finished thinking, i thought some more. 10:00 came. then 11. then 12. and then...i looked at the clock and saw that it was 4:00. and even though i was so tired, i couldn't fall asleep. and then when i did, i weaved in and out of consciousness and bizarre dreams about dinosaurs and joe jonas. (maybe my sub-conscience is telling me.....nope, i can't even try to interpret that one.) and then last night, i was determined to get a good night's rest, so i went to bed at ten and i took a little bit of trazodone (yep, the stuff they give you to knock you out after you get your wisdom teeth taken out.) you would think that this combined with the fact that i got an hour and a half of sleep the night before would conk me right out, but i still only got a few hours of sleep. i'm pretty sure i think too much at night. maybe that's it.

well...here's to hoping for a good night's rest, no thinking, and jonas-less dreams.

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